
Strike Again! A Call to End Incessant Strikes in Public Primary Schools and Ensure Fair Treatment of Teachers


Education is the foundation of every child’s future, yet the frequent strikes in primary schools disrupt the learning process, leaving children at a disadvantage. These strikes are often a result of inadequate pay, poor working conditions, and a lack of respect for teachers’ contributions to society. To secure a brighter future for our children, we must take immediate steps to address these issues and ensure better payment and fair treatment for teachers.

  1. The Importance of Teachers in Society
    Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of future leaders, innovators, and citizens. They nurture creativity, inspire dreams, and equip children with the skills needed to succeed in life. Despite their vital role, teachers are often underpaid and undervalued. This imbalance sends a message that the education of our children is not a priority, which directly harms the quality of education.
  2. The Consequences of Incessant Strikes
    When teachers go on strike, the entire education system suffers, particularly in primary schools where children are in their most formative years. Every day lost to a strike is a missed opportunity for learning. These disruptions lead to learning gaps, lower academic performance, and long-term damage to students’ development. The cost of these strikes is far too high, and the root causes must be addressed.
  3. Fair Pay for Teachers
    At the heart of many strikes is the issue of inadequate pay. Teachers deserve salaries that reflect their essential role in society. Proper compensation is not just a matter of fairness; it is essential for maintaining a motivated and committed teaching workforce. Competitive wages attract qualified professionals and ensure that teachers remain focused on delivering quality education rather than worrying about financial instability.

4. Respect and Better Working Conditions
Beyond wages, teachers need better working conditions. They deserve smaller class sizes, access to modern teaching materials, professional development opportunities, and a supportive environment where they are respected as key contributors to society. When teachers are treated with dignity and respect, they are more likely to perform at their best, benefiting students and the education system as a whole.

5. The Need for Government Action

Governments must prioritize education by ensuring that teachers’ concerns are heard and addressed. This includes increasing funding for primary education, improving working conditions, and ensuring regular payment of salaries. Governments should also engage in open dialogue with teachers’ unions to prevent strikes and reach solutions that benefit everyone—especially the children.

A Call to Action
We call on policymakers, parents, and communities to unite in support of our teachers. Ensuring that they are well-paid, respected, and treated fairly is the only way to stop the cycle of strikes and disruptions in primary schools. By investing in teachers, we are investing in the future of our children and society as a whole.

The incessant strikes in primary schools are a symptom of deeper issues related to the treatment of teachers. It is time to take action. Let us ensure fair payment, respect, and support for teachers so they can focus on what matters most—educating the next generation. Together, we can build a stronger education system where no child is left behind, and no teacher feels undervalued.

Flickers of Hope carries out scholarship projects to ensure children stay in school because strongly believe that education is a tool and a platform; both formal and informal, and every child (male and female) should have access to quality education. Enrolling children in school is one thing but children having to be out of school because of strike is another thing. Incessant strikes in public primary schools have very serious negative effects on the education and learning process of children. It causes an imbalance in learning of the children that attend these schools, making it quite impossible to match up with their contemporaries in private schools. And Teachers are instrumental in every way in the learning process and development of every child, and should be treated well in order to give their utmost best to these children.  Therefore, this issue of strikes should be curbed immediately and finally by all means for the fast forward development of our educational system in Nigeria.

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Flickers of Hope
Flickers of Hope is a Non-Governmental Organization with a primary focus on Education. We aim to educate, mentor, empower and equip young people, as beacons of hope for the nation.
Categories: Hope for the Hopeless

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