The October 2024 edition of the Leadership Training was aimed at Instilling good moral virtues into our scholarship beneficiaries, and it was centered on the theme “Respectfulness; Courtesy and Honor” It was an educative and interactive session that enlightened our teens that being Respectful, showing Courtesy and giving Honor are valuable virtues that allows them to have positive interaction and behavior: together, these values form a foundation for building trust, fostering meaningful relationships, and contributing to a respectful and ethical society. READ MORE
FOH Teens Library
Our FOH Teens Community library is a platform that serves to revive reading culture among students, providing a quiet and safe environment to read and do assignments, and gives students access to relevant books.
Based on our interactions with the children in our community that we have been privileged to coach, mentor and sponsor in school, this is a timely intervention. We are stepping in to bridge a huge knowledge gap
Key Features:
- Quiet reading space for students
- Access to academic books and other educational materials
- Accessible by primary 6 and secondary school students
- Our target audience; children of ages 9 to 19
Parent Seminar 2024
The second edition of the FOH Parent Seminar held on May 1st, 2024 was a success. This year we hosted 32 Parents.
It was an enlightening and interactive time as we focused on issues that affect parenting and raising children in these times. Issues such as deliberate parenting; being in touch with your children at all times: physically, mentally, emotionally etc., being a safe space for your children, and not forgetting to care for yourself as a parent was discussed. A wonderful drama presentation was done by the FOH Teens Leadership Club Drama Group showcasing some negative parenting attitudes and its effects on the children. The seminar ended with a questions and answers session. It was an overall beautiful event. Read More

“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” Kalu Ndukwe Kalu
The Jayden Iremide OBAYOMI Scholarship is a personalized scholarship under the Flickers of Hope Scholarship Fund that is building a lasting legacy. The Scholarship fund has kicked off in 2023, and is focused on educating the girl-child, ensuring that they are enrolled and aided to stay in school.
FOH believes in creating memories, impacting and transforming lives through Education. That’s why we share this burden and partner in this to ensure that this memory and legacy is sustained.
The scholarship fund spans for a three year period for each child, and currently has 3 children enrolled in school as at September, 2023 with more children to be taken on board. The fund caters majorly for enrollment fees, uniforms, writing materials and basic textbooks, transport stipends of the children among others. While the Foundation closely monitors the fund, mentors and takes the beneficiaries of the scholarship through informal trainings.
The September meeting was held on Saturday, 9th August 2023. In line with our three for the year- “VALUES”. Our September Lesson was tagged “The Value Integrity”. Our Lesson time was an interactive one, centered on helping our teens to develop strong moral principles, embracing honesty and becoming persons that can be trusted.
*Highlights on lesson:
-What is Integrity
-Importance of Integrity
-Attributes of Integrity
-Short story on integrity to further exemplify the lesson learnt
It was an overall impactful session which we believe lessons were learnt to help our teens thrive in life.
The 2023 Annual Teens Leadership Boot Camp was successfully held for two weeks in August 2023, at Olivet Resort Hall, Bwari Area Council, FCT Abuja.
It was held from the 14th to the 25th of August, 2023. It hosted preteens and teens within the ages of 9 to 19. This year’s theme was tagged, “INTENTIONALITY” and this guided all lessons and activities carried out.
Activities included Leadership training, Seminar on Financial Literacy, Skills acquisition, Community Service, Drama, Fun competitions, and Games. Skill Acquisition includes Baking, Bead making, Gele and Scarf tying / Hair making, Graphic design, Piano lessons, Photography, etc. Competitions included a cooking competition and a Fashion show. A total of 64 members registered for the boot camp.
Teens Club (Community)
The maiden edition of FOH Teens Leadership Club kicked off for Kuzhako Community, Bwari Area Council, Abuja. It was held on Thursday, 20th July 2023 was an educative and interesting moment. The theme for our general class for July was tagged “Responsibility.”
The teaching was centered on helping our teens know what responsibility is, take responsibility for their lives, and help them shift the focus from themselves only to influencing and helping others. The teaching was to the end that they can endeavor to cultivate the value of responsibility.
It was an impactful moment as they were taken through the subject matter and led to a better understanding of respon

The maiden edition of the PA ALFRED SHONUBI ANNUAL QUIZ COMPETITION was successfully held on Saturday, 1st July, 2023, at Olivet Resort Hall, Tudun Fulani, Bwari Area Council, FCT Abuja. The quiz competition for this year 2023 was an Inter-school competition for Junior Secondary Schools in Bwari, Abuja.
A total of 82 persons were in attendance at the event including, officials from various educational and affiliated organizational bodies, media personnel, teachers, students, parents, members of the FOH Teens Leadership Club, and FoH Staff and Volunteers etc.
And we had 5 schools participate in the quiz competition; JSS Bwari I, JSS Bwari Central, JSS Tudun Fulani, JSS Peyi, and His Excellency International School…..
The FOH PARENTS’ SEMINAR held on Saturday May 21st 2023 was an exciting and interactive time. It was a time of learning, unlearning and relearning. A time of equipping to become better Parents and guardians for the children being raised in this time.
Highlights of discussions at the program include:
- Being a Present Parent
- Know your children well; Knowing their friends and whereabouts
- Getting involved with their academics
- Being physically and emotionally present…….READ MORE
The 1st Teens Leadership Club meeting for the year 2022 held on Saturday, 8th January, 2022 by 10am.
We set our teens up for a great start this year as we interacted with them on the topic-Goal Setting: meaning of goal setting, areas that goal setting is required, kinds of goals (short, medium and long term goals), the importance and benefits of goal setting as a leader, necessary elements that makes a set goal SMART, different examples of goals — including realistic goals, and unrealistic goals…