



The January 2024 edition of our Leadership Training was held on Saturday, the 20th of January 2024. It was centered on the theme “Discipline and Diligence” It was an educative learning session that was aimed at enlightening our beneficiaries on this importance value and virtue of discipline and diligence. It is to the end that they may know how to behave and work in a controlled way by obeying rules and regulations and also to constantly and continuously put in effort in accomplishing whatever task is given to them. More so, we discussed the benefits of discipline and diligence, how it helps them to achieve their goals by being determined and not giving up. We went further to analyze, the relationship/connection between discipline and diligence which is, with discipline one can set goals of how to behave well such as when to wake up, how to dress etc. whereas, diligence gives you the determination and patience to continue carrying out that plan till you achieve your goals even amidst difficult challenges. Our beneficiaries really had fun discussing and analyzing this great virtue called discipline and diligence. We look forward to having other exciting session with our beneficiaries as time goes on.



To have monthly leadership training and interactive sessions for students enrolled under FOH Scholarship Scheme, in order to mentor, counsel, guide them rightly, educate and equip them with important values needed to strive well in the society, and develop their leadership abilities.


for more information, you can reach us through the following:

  • website:
  • f@fohfoundation
  • contact: 07038111578


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Flickers of Hope
Flickers of Hope is a Non-Governmental Organization with a primary focus on Education. We aim to educate, mentor, empower and equip young people, as beacons of hope for the nation.
Categories: Hope for the Hopeless

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