

  • The March  edition of the Teens Leadership Club

The March 2025 edition of the Teens Leadership Club, held on Saturday, 1st of March 2025 was another educative, interactive session with our teens. The theme for march was tagged ‘‘The Resilience Mindset’’ Our teens were taught the meaning of resilience; as the ability to bounce back from challenges, setbacks, and tough situations. They were taught not to let failure stop them; instead, they use it to become better. They also learnt some techniques for building resilience, which are; stress management and using setbacks to grow stronger. During the lesson, our teens were asked to discuss areas of their life when they failed or experience a setback or rejection, and how they overcame it (giving examples of how they were resilient)  which they did. After the lesson they were engaged in a fun nonverbal Game: building communication skill in our teens, the aim of this game is for our teens to be a good mentor and mentee, to teach followership and imitation. Overall, it was an educative, interactive and fun-filled meeting as our teens shared what they have learnt.

It was indeed a very educative, interactive and interesting session with the teens. However, we look forward to more impactful meetings.

“Empower your teen with new skills, friendships, and experiences. Join our club now!”

07038111578 the number to call for more details.



  • The February edition of the Leadership Training

The February edition of the Leadership Training held on Saturday, 8th of February 2025, was centered on the theme “Goal Setting.

And each class from JSS 1- SS 3 had different topics.

JSS 1 TopicGoal setting: How to make goal setting more effective?

JSS 2 Topic- Goal setting: Guide to setting smart goals

JSS 3 Topic- Goal setting: Time management towards achieving goals

SS 1 Topic- Goal setting: Avoiding procrastination in achieving your goals

SS 2 Topic- Goal setting and Motivation: Turning dreams into goals and the power of persistence.

SS 3 Topic- Goal setting: Being Deliberate about setting  goals, measuring, and celebrating your progress

It was an educative and interactive session with our Scholarship Beneficiaries aimed to help our beneficiaries know what it means to set goal, identify their goals, and ways to achieve it.

This year, we aim to engage the mind of our students much more through giving of assignments, opportunities to teach others, presentations etc. in order to see growth in all areas.

During the class, our scholarship beneficiaries were asked to write out a goal they will want to achieve in any area of their life this month.

and the tutoring of students in Junior classes by Senior class students (SS 2 and SS 3) started this month also.

The Junior class students who were tutored by an SS 2 student gave great feedback of enjoying their class and being taught well by their teacher.



Therefore, Computer classes for JSS 3 and senior class students started this month.

after the class, Pads were also distributed to scholarship beneficiaries in need of it.

We therefore look forward to more impactful and interesting meetings this year.



  • The February 2025 edition of the Teens Leadership Club meeting

The February 2025 edition of the Teens Leadership Club meeting, held on Saturday, 1st of February 2025 was another educative, interactive session with our teens. The theme for February was tagged ‘‘Fixed Mindset versus Growth mindset’’ A fixed mindset is the belief that abilities, intelligence, and talents are predetermined and cannot be changed, while a growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed with time, effort, and dedication.


This also means that challenges and setbacks aren’t something to avoid, but opportunities to grow. With a growth mindset, you believe that your skills and talents are not fixed; instead, you can improve with persistence and hard work.

They were also taught how to “shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, by using the “Power of Yet” This phrase helps them shift their mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Instead of saying “I can’t do it,” say “I can’t do it yet!” This emphasizes that growth is a process.

During the lesson, our teens were asked to re-write 10 fixed mindset statements to reflect a growth mindset. This activity aimed for our teens to learn how to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. After the lesson they were engaged in a fun riddle competition, the aim of this was to help our teens develop their critical thinking skills. However, it was an educative, interactive, and fun-filled meeting as our teens shared what they had learned.

Empower Your Teen’s growth, give your teen the chance to develop valuable life skills by letting them join our club!

you can reach us:07038111578.


  • The January edition of the Leadership Training

The January edition of the Leadership Training held on Saturday, 18th of January 2025, was centered on the theme “Education” it was an educative and interactive session with our Scholarship Beneficiaries aimed to help our beneficiaries revisit the value of education and to understand the types of education, the importance of education, and why they should embrace education. After the lesson our scholarship beneficiaries shared what education meant to them and how education has impacted them.






  • The January  edition of the Teens Leadership Club meeting

The January 2025 edition of the Teens Leadership Club, held on Saturday, 11th of January 2025 was another educative, interactive session with the teens. The theme for January was tagged ‘‘understanding mindset’ ’Mindset is simply the way your mind has been set or positioned. Mindsets are formed by what you see, hear, feel or think about. They were also taught on the “Types of mindset, Which are; Positive and Negative mindset. A positive mindset involves focusing on the bright side of situations, believing in possibilities, and approaching challenges with optimism and resilience. While a negative mindset tends to focus on limitations and obstacles.

Before the lesson, they undergo mindsets evaluation test by answering some questions with either ‘Yes, No or Sometimes’. The aim of this test is for our teens to identify the type of mindset they were having, and also to mentor them on ways to improve/change their mindset into positive mindsets. it was an interesting and educative learning experience for the Teens.




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Flickers of Hope
Flickers of Hope is a Non-Governmental Organization with a primary focus on Education. We aim to educate, mentor, empower and equip young people, as beacons of hope for the nation.
Categories: Hope for the Hopeless

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