


Meet our personality of the week-Just Omomo Ibe!

Why is she on our spotlight this week?

Just Omomo Ibe is an economic growth and development consultant rebuilding the African economy through entrepreneurship, youth employment, education and trade. She is the President of The Association of African Startups, a certified global Market intelligence expert foretelling market trends in sectors/industries, nations and governments with a view to helping African economies compete competitively and comparatively with global economies.

She is the president of The Just Ibe FOUNDATION, a non-governmental organization; urbanizing communities and empowering widows and orphans in Africa. Also, the Lead Consultant at The Just Ibe company, a management consulting firm with key focus on sales, marketing, digital strategy, business communications, sustainable economic development strategy, market research and intelligence. And the Co- founder of INSCRIBE Tech, a startup Tech company revolutionalising content creation, distribution and Sales.

Her greatest belief is that AFRICA will become one of the greatest economic super powers of the world and she is actively involved in making this happen.

*All these things she does as a result of acquiring and utilizing the right education and skills. Her life resounds receiving and giving out the right knowledge to effect impactful changes.

For Just Ibe “There is a formal education, basic education and an education that you give yourself. Ultimately, you need to be schooled for wherever you are in life.

In her words, “Personal development is important and I am an ardent learner at all times.”

Cheers to our personality of the week!

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Flickers of Hope
Flickers of Hope is a Non-Governmental Organization with a primary focus on Education. We aim to educate, mentor, empower and equip young people, as beacons of hope for the nation.
Categories: Hope for the Hopeless

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