
FOH VALUE ORIENTATION HANDBOOK: Quotes and Nuggets for young Minds


No matter how noble a community has been in the past in terms of norms, culture, ethics, and moral well-being, once a crack is allowed morally in the lives of the young ones who serve as building blocks for the future, it will soon be clear that such a community or nation has no future.

In this present age, things have gradually changed, many societies have lost their aroma of good morals, this generation has become filled with young people that have lost their appetite for good morals and values. They have become bankrupt of good character. The level of moral decadence we see in our societies in the 21st century is a serious concern for all that witnessed the era where children still had respect for others, were disciplined and responsible, unlike today where homicide, cultism, kidnapping, stealing, sexual immorality and drug abuse have become the order of the day. It is strange how children do terrible things today and do not look back, these were things that adults were afraid to mention, talk more of do, about l0 to 30 years ago. Children today even seem to place more value on other social activities other than education.

To be more precise about the level of the moral decadence that have invaded our young ones today, it is not an overstatement to say that they are using their own hands to destroy their own future due to lack of right knowledge and wisdom to guide their paths. We would lose this generation completely if all we do is to seat and watch, or conclude that this is the 21st Century; the internet age and young people should be allowed to figure things out themselves.

We have no other alternative but to go at once for urgent solution. We must arise to rebuild our broken walls, values, and good morals through quality and educative materials.

The FOH Value Orientation Handbook was therefore designed to do the job of refocusing the younger generation, both primary and secondary school on the right path of building lasting moral values. It is a compilation of “relevant quotes” that has been carefully selected fashioned to guide the path of young ones (both primary and secondary school children alike), on their journey through school life, with the aim to shape their choices, focus, desires, and mind set. It aims to reform, rebuild, make better citizens, and ultimately, sanitize our society from moral decadence.

Wisdom is a principal thing. The wisdom that has been shared in this book will help to gear our young ones back to the right part of diligence, hard work, honour etc.

Flickers of Hope has distributed over 300 copies of these handbooks to children in different schools and Area Councils in Abuja; Bwari, Gwagwalada, Kwali etc.

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Flickers of Hope
Flickers of Hope is a Non-Governmental Organization with a primary focus on Education. We aim to educate, mentor, empower and equip young people, as beacons of hope for the nation.
Categories: Hope for the Hopeless

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