



At FOH, Education is our priority! We believe there should be no limit whatsoever to the education one should acquire; not age, background or class. All round development and fulfillment is our goal that’s why we launched the FLICKERS OF HOPE INFORMAL SCHOOL.

We kicked off in September 2020 and it is ongoing presently, catering for both teens and adults alike;

– Who cannot read and write

– Who need to refresh their memories and enroll back to school

– That need a push in their basic writing and speaking skills in order to strive successfully in their daily businesses and secure a better employment.

Do you know someone in Bwari, FCT Abuja and environs that can benefit from this?

Do give us a call: 07038111578

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Flickers of Hope
Flickers of Hope is a Non-Governmental Organization with a primary focus on Education. We aim to educate, mentor, empower and equip young people, as beacons of hope for the nation.
Categories: Hope for the Hopeless

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