
End of the Year Teens Leadership Club Meeting 2019


As always, our last meeting for the year 2019 held on December 14th was nothing short of fun and awesome. We took time out to celebrate our club members born in the month of December. We also had a great time learning and discussing our interesting theme for the year “Responsibility”. Our teens excitedly took turns to act out roles in line with the theme. We are definitely proud of the leaders that we are grooming. Truly, our meetings for the year 2019 has been very rewarding. We look forward to more exciting meetings in the coming year and moments to continually relax, learn and grow.


                                           Amazing role play sessions by different groups



                             Birthday Celebration of our club members born in December


A cross section of FOH Teens Leadership Club Members attentive and watching the different role plays

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Flickers of Hope
Flickers of Hope is a Non-Governmental Organization with a primary focus on Education. We aim to educate, mentor, empower and equip young people, as beacons of hope for the nation.
Categories: Hope for the Hopeless

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